When I think of Alpha Aminos (BCAAs), these words come to mind: delicious. hydration, recovery.
So why incorporate Alpha Aminos into your supplement routine?
Why not drink JUST water?
For starters, with my active lifestyle and training regimen, I try to drink over a gallon of water every day. However, when I sweat and work out hard, water is not enough. Despite drinking over a gallon of water a day I still found my muscles cramping easily and never feeling fully recovered from even my rest days.
When I thought I was hydrating by drinking more and more water, I was in essence depleted andflushing my system of electrolytes, instead of replenishing them. Three months ago I started incorporating BCAAs and Alpha Aminos into my water. After a week, I was no longer cramping and could finally run longer than forty minutes without my legs muscles yelling at me to stop (yes, my muscles yell when they get tired).
So here is the low down on Alpha Aminos:
They will help preserve your lean gains, reduce muscle soreness, and help increase endurance and overall hydration of your body. PLUS they taste like Kool-Aid. When my water tastes this good I am more inclined to drink my +gallon goal.
I sip on these all day, mixing three scoops straight into my gallon jug (Yes, I drink from a water jug. I also drink from the carton. Got a problem with that? #classybroad). The most optimal times to drink BCAA are during and after your workouts. These are a superior “sports drink” with zero sugar and calories.
So what is it made out of to make it so awesome?
The concentrated Leucine complex maximizes the body’s ability to fuel skeletal muscles, preserve muscle glycogen stores, and reduce protein breakdown. The hydration formula is comprised of chia seed extract and raw coconut concentrate. The chia seed extract alone contains eight essential amino acids, omega-3s, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and fiber. We all know coconut concentrate is packed with electrolytes, so the combination of the chia and coconut will keep you hydrated throughout the day.
Alpha Amino is certainly a product that can help you through those longer workouts, especially when you get into the 90+ minute range, keeping you hydrated and boosting your stamina/resistance to fatigue.
This is stimulant- and caffeine-free, so it’s great for those looking for an alternative pre-workout because they are working out late and would like to get to bed soon after. Alpha Amino will help you grind it out and finish strong! The newly added glutamine definitely recovers muscle. I’d recommend this to anyone looking for a BCAA or a product that keeps you hydrated and going.