Looking for a low carb, high protein recipe to fit into your diet? Try these protein pancakes. You can’t argue with the macros:
Calories | Carbohydrates | Protein | Fat |
236 | 5g | 48g | 2g |
The pancakes use only two ingredients: egg whites and whey protein powder. With that said, they kind of come out like a pancake/omelet, so be sure to choose a taste-bud-tickling, delicious whey protein powder. I LOVE Cellucor’s line of Cor-Whey protein and my favorite flavor is Cor-fetti Cake Batter because it tastes like funfetti cake!
I eat whey protein pancakes a lot. I’m living that 80/20 lifestyle and my love for tasty whey protein falls in that 20%. Many times I will make a large batch of these for my weekly food prep. All you need to do is pop them in the microwave for a minute and enjoy!
Disclaimer: I am aware these are super low carb and low fat. Am I advocating a low carb, low fat diet? CERTAINLT NOT! (I am a closet nut-butter addict anyways.) But, for those who track their macros, these are a tasty protein option (eating meat four to five times a day every day can get mundane), so you can get your carbs from other sources.

Super Low Carb Protein Pancake
- 3 Egg whites
- 1 scoop Cellucor Whey Protein (Cor-fetti Cake Batter flavormy favorite!)
- ½ scoop Cellucor Whey Protein (Whipped Vanilla flavor)
- 1 oz Unsweetened almond milk (canned coconut milk can be used too)
Heat skillet to medium high (7 out of 10) and use non-stick cooking spray. I found that cooking spray works than coconut oil when it comes to browning the pancake, as coconut oil tends to fry it, but use whichever cooking fat works for you.
Blend the pancake ingredients and then cook them as you would normal pancakes. It usually takes about 2 minutes for the first side and 1 – 1 ½ minutes the other side to be ready. Use your judgment. (Pancakes can be tricky to master but these will cook faster than normal ones, since they are egg-based.)
Gradually mix the topping ingredients together. Use a little less almond milk for a thicker consistency. I find it easiest to mix the ingredients in a coffee mug.
Drizzle over finished pancakes and ENJOY!