I am sure that at one point or another you have heard about the ketogenic diet and if you haven’t, get out from under that rock you have been hiding under.
From Lebron James to Jenna Jameson (yes, the adult film star), the ketogenic diet has become all the rage due to its ability to help individuals lose weight and keep it off while also lower risk factors for other diseases.
When one first approaches the keto diet, it may appear to be a bit intimidating with the rules and limitations that come with this diet. After all, who could ever muster up the courage to say goodbye to pasta?
Truly, it is not simple to start a strict diet and adopt new lifestyle in the process, but it is possible.
The secret to making keto a lifestyle lies in one’s ability to practice sustainable habits that they can incorporate into their pre-existing lifestyle and schedule. It isn’t always easy, but it can be done if you follow the simple steps we have outlined below!
Be Educated!
First thing first, if you want to make the keto diet an integral part of your lifestyle, then you need to be educated about the diet itself.
The first mistake many people make when they first try to adopt the keto diet is misinterpretation of the diet and the rules that come with it.
Initially, people may think that they need to simply consume more fats than carbs, which means more butter and no bread.
Contrary to this belief, the keto diet promotes eating meals that are high in fat, moderate in protein and low in carbs.
The purpose of the diet is for the body to enter a metabolic state called ketosis, where the body produces ketones. When in ketosis, the body switches its fuel to run on ketones instead of glucose, which makes it easier to access fat stores to burn them off.
While the keto diet does promote the concept of eating more fat and protein than carbs, one needs to be aware that not all proteins, fats and carbs are the same, which affects the types of ingredients that go into meal preparation.
For example, one may think that a breakfast complete with bacon and butter is a great example of a keto breakfast due to being high in fat and protein. However, the keto diet encourages one to still eat healthy fats, proteins and veggies while consuming a limited amount of processed meats.
Therefore, a better example of a keto breakfast would have eggs, avocado and cucumbers with 75-80% of calories from fat, 15-20% from protein and 5-10% from carbs.
Trying to figure out how much you should eat on keto? Use our keto calculator for simple calculations!
Be Prepared!
Next, in order to make keto a part of your life, you need to be prepared and make a plan. Many people fail to maintain the keto diet because they find themselves unprepared and uncertain about what they need to eat.
Those who want to stay in ketosis need to meal prep and have foods at hand that go with the keto diet. Consulting a list of keto-approved foods is a great start to preparing for the keto diet.
Our keto food guide provides a concise and informative list of foods to eat and avoid when it comes to the keto diet. Once there is a clear list of foods to look for, meal prepping becomes an easier task.
Additionally, meal prepping can be done in a couple hours and in turn, yield enough meals to last a full week. Not only does this save time and money, but it helps one understand the keto diet better. When eating out at a restaurant, following a keto diet can be discouraging when one doesn’t know how to build a keto-friendly meal.
However, those who understand the diet and how to create a keto meal, face less stress and are able to deal with any restaurant menu that they may encounter. Having a plan and sticking to it makes it a lot easier to continue with the keto diet.
[color-box color=”blue”]Exciting news – Keto Meal Plans are coming! If you’re interested, click this link and sign up to be notified when we release them![/color-box]
Remember the Big Picture!
Following the keto diet also becomes easier when individuals keep in mind the big picture: overall wellness.
Those who choose to pursue the keto diet do best when they remember the purpose of the diet was to be healthier overall.
Adopting a new diet not only helps one lose weight, but it can help put one at a lower risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and some neurological diseases.
Carrying on with the keto diet becomes a lot easier when remembering the long-term benefits that come with it. In order to fully benefit from the diet, one must also find ways to be healthier in different areas of their life.
Aside from eating healthy when starting a new diet, it is important to also drink enough water, exercise and stay active. While focusing on the diet is key, it is also beneficial to remember the other ways to manage or lose weight. Going to the gym or picking up a new hobby that requires physical activity helps individuals not only stay active, but also stay on track with a diet. Instead of making it a chore, have fun with it!
Make new friends in the online keto community, try out a cooking class and even organize meetups to try keto-friendly meals at restaurants.
Overall, making a lifestyle change is possible when you are prepared, keep in mind why you started it and also remember to have fun in the process.
Being educated is not only beneficial for you, but it can also help you teach others the importance of the keto diet and why one should adopt it as a lifestyle change.
Making a big change is easier when you do not have to do it alone, so try to find an accountability group that can support you as well.
Going keto shouldn’t been seen as saying goodbye to bread forever, but instead it should be seen as welcoming healthier options into your life. Through these reminders, making keto a lifestyle is possible, sustainable and enjoyable.
[color-box color=”blue”]If you’re ready to make keto a lifestyle with Keto Meal Plans, sign up here! They’re coming soon and you won’t want to miss it.[/color-box]