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How to: Move more throughout the day
Chances are, you’re reading this blog because you’re interested in living a healthy, well-balanced life. And while the food you eat plays such a huge role in achieving that, there are many other pieces that go into it.
Here at Ultimate Paleo Guide, Paleo is much more than just a diet. A diet is something that is temporary and unsustainable over the long run. We much prefer to see Paleo as a lifestyle. And part of that ideology encompasses aspects outside of food – like sleep, stress management, and movement.
Movement is a big one – especially in our society where most of us are sitting in front of screens for 8+ hours a day.
Sitting in the new smoking
I’m sure you’ve heard it before: sitting in the new smoking. By now, we know that incorporating movement
in your day is important. But is a one-hour exercise routine a few days a week enough?
According to Tom Rath, author of Eat Move Sleep, sitting more than six hours a day will greatly increase your chance for an early death. For most of us who have jobs that require sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time, that’s a scary statistic.
Luckily, moving more throughout your day is easy if you become mindful about it. Keep reading for some tips on how to move more throughout the day.
Stop fighting for the closest parking spot
Instead of driving around the lot until you find the closest spot, go ahead and settle for a spot near the back of the lot. Not only is this an easy way to get more steps in during the day, but chances are it will save you time and gas! Be smart about it though. Avoid doing this if it’s nighttime, the lot is unlit, or you don’t feel safe.
Start timing yourself
If you have a desk job, set the timer on your phone for 30 minute intervals. Be sure to keep your volume low or on vibrate as to not disturb your co-workers. When the timer goes off, get up a do two minutes of movement. This can be a few laps around the office, a quick walk outside for some fresh air, or even some basic stretches. Not only will this help combat constant sitting, but research has shown that it can help boost productivity.
Opt for the stairs
Although it’s tempting to take the easy route, choosing the stairs over elevators and escalators each time you’re faced with the choice is an easy way to build up your step total for the day as well as get your heart pumping. Bonus – get in a quick workout by going up and down a few times. If you have regular access to a set of stairs, try to increase the amount you go up and down each week.
Turn the kitchen into a dance floor
Whether you’re meal prepping, doing the dishes, or cooking dinner – make it a party! Turn on some music and get ya groove on. Not only can this work up a sweat quickly (don’t believe me? Just try it…) but I dare you to try it and not smile while you’re doing it. In these times, we could all use a smile at the end of the day any way. This is seriously a win-win-win for us all.
Use technology to your advantage
There are some great apps on the market that can help you reach your goal of moving every day. Get these on your phone now!
MoveWell – this free app takes you through simple mobility routines to target specific body pain. You’ll need a foam roller and about 15 minutes. Incorporate this daily to balance out all of that sitting that comes along with an office job. – another free app, this one helps you form new habits – like moving every day. Not only can you track your progress and get reminders, but you can get encouragement and support from the online community.
Yoga Wake Up – start your morning with a relaxing yoga sequence that will center you for the rest of your day. Designate your wake up time, and Yoga Wake Up will deliver a 10-minute sequence right to you.
Paleo is a lifestyle
When you’re living a Paleo lifestyle, it encompasses so much more than just food. Stress management, sleep, and movement are also integral pieces to living your best life. Finding ways to incorporate more movement throughout the day can really make a big difference in the long run.
What are your favorite ways to sneak in movement throughout the day?