If you're a long-time paleo fan, you've probably heard of - or even done - Whole30. Whole30 is a diet program created by Melissa Hartwig and is essentially an elimination diet designed as a "reset." In this post, we talk all about our favorite Whole30 recipes on our blog.
What is Whole30?
The foods you can eat on the Whole30 aren't complicated. They are real, whole foods that promote health. What are "real foods?" Hartwig defines it as "...meat, seafood, and eggs; vegetables and fruit; natural fats; and herbs, spices, and seasonings. Eat foods with a simple or recognizable list of ingredients, or no ingredients at all because they’re ...
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Our Favorite Summer Vegetables
Summertime, and the livin’s easy…(aaaand the veggies are the best.)
Ok, so maybe Sublime didn’t sing about the veggies. That’s my little remix. But seriously, summer vegetables are the best. Am I right or am I right?
There’s just something amazing about the warm weather, the long days, and abundance of fresh produce that makes me so happy. Living in the Pacific Northwest, I’m fortunate to have access to more summer farmers markets than I even know what to do with. And beyond that, there are markets that even run year-round. A total luxury.
Access to locally grown, fresh produce is relatively easy. And I definitely don’t take that ...
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The Ultimate Guide To Jicama
Have you ever perused the produce aisle at your local health food store and came across a strange potato-like food, branded as jicama? Are you curious about how to even pronounce the word?
What exactly is this mysterious food? A fruit or vegetable? A starch?
We’re going to go over exactly what it is and yes, how to pronounce it. We’ll discuss its nutritional value, how you can eat it, and whether or not it’s paleo and keto-friendly.
Any question you’ve ever had about jicama and its uses are going to be answered below.
What Is Jicama?
Jicama (hee-cama) is native to Central and South America as well as Mexico. It can be ...
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7 Healthy Coffee Alternatives
Have you ever drank so much coffee and it gave you the shakes?
Well, I am currently experiencing this issue since I thought it was a good idea to have an iced Americano following a workout where I used C4 pre-workout (aka red-in-the-face pre-workout).
I know, right? Great idea.
While being alert for certain activities is great, it is very possible to overdo it with caffeinated beverages. Caffeine consumption has been linked to a myriad of benefits.
For example, research has shown that caffeine increases memory, detoxifies the liver, and even relieves post-workout muscle pain. Truly, these benefits are more than appealing, but ...
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The Ultimate Guide To Body Fat Percentage
Feeling lost in the great wide world of muscle gain and weight loss? Finding out your body fat percentage can help make things more clear.
There’s so much information out there that it’s easy to be overwhelmed from the beginning. It can make losing weight or toning up seem downright impossible.
We’re here to help with the rundown on body fat percentage. What is it? How can you calculate it? What’s a healthy percentage?
We want to make sure your journey is smooth sailing, so we’re going to go over all of those burning questions for you right here.
What Is Body Fat Percentage?
Your body fat percentage is actually pretty ...
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Cocoa vs Cacao: What’s the Difference?
Have you ever looked at a label for “cacao” and thought it was a misprint by a company actually selling cocoa? We can assure you it wasn’t a typo and your eyes weren’t deceiving you.
These two words get mixed up more often than one would think. But they’re worth differentiating, considering one of them is a byproduct of the other. As similar as they sound, there are plenty of differences to be aware of.
We’re going to clear up any confusion between the two for you right here. What are the similarities? What are the benefits? Stick around and we’ll give you the rundown.
What Is Cocoa?
Cocoa, like cacao, is the name of the ...
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My Favorite Ways To Use Coconut Oil
For decades, The American Heart Association stated that coconut oil was high in saturated fat and raised “bad” cholesterol levels. Despite these claims, coconut oil is making a comeback bigger than Betty White did in 2010.
Coconut is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood” thanks to its unique combination of fatty acids that are truly beneficial to your health. While most people assume that oils are best for consumption, they can actually have a myriad of other uses that go beyond the kitchen.
Aside from making my popcorn with coconut oil, I love using coconut oil for my hair, face and also for oil pulling. ...
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The Top 3 Supplements I Take
If you have ever walked into a GNC, then you know it can be a bit overwhelming. For those who do not know what a GNC is well, imagine that it is like a candy store. But, all the candy is actually supplements, there are no samples and they do more than give you a sugar rush.
Truly, picking out the best supplements my seem like a daunting task, but it is actually quite simple. Whether you are male or female, physically active or sedentary, there are three supplements that I swear by when considering my dietary needs.
First, I believe that fish oil is necessary for a healthy heart.
Next, Vitamin D is obligatory when trying to survive ...
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Funky Farmer’s Market Finds
In my opinion, we are in the midst of a food revolution. We, as a society, are making our way back to valuing the way we eat; locally-grown and seasonal foods that nourish our minds, bodies and the environment are at the top of many people’s priority list.
And what better way to support this revolution than by
becoming a frequent visitor of your local farmer’s market! All over the
country, farmer’s markets offer communities easy and accessible ways to
purchase fresh, local food.
And that’s AWESOME.
But if you’re a farmer’s market junkie like me, I’m sure there’s been a time when you’ve been scoping out the vegetables and there’s ...
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You Need These Paleo Kitchen Must-Haves
Alright, imagine this. You just discovered the wonderful world that is cooking paleo. Maybe you have a friend who sent you one of our articles about giblets, going paleo, or perhaps you signed up for our Paleo Meal Plans service.
Whatever the cause may be, we’re all glad you’re here!
Now before you go buy a whole chicken or three pounds of New York strip steak, you need to paleo-proof that kitchen of yours.
While following the paleo diet is simple, fun and truly beneficial in the long run, there are some things most people swear by when cooking their favorite paleo dishes in the kitchen.
Chef’s Knife
First off, no one can go ...
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