So many handy snacks are made of grains and other non-paleo ingredients: popcorn, chips, fries, wedges... So part of our job here at Ultimate Paleo Guide is to provide you with healthy, natural alternatives. After all, everyone needs something to munch on at the movies, right?
Try our Baked Cabbage Wedges, either as a snack to keep you going throughout the day, or as a side with some other veggies and a big hunk of meat.
Baked Cabbage Wedges
1/2 Head cabbage6 tbsp Bacon greaseSalt ((pepper, garlic powder to taste))Tin foil
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.Cut 1/2 a head of cabbage into 4 small wedges.Place wedges in ...
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Cabbage & Apples
Yes, you read that correctly! While not many people would think to put cabbage and apples together, our resident recipe creator, Kate Milton, has perfected this bizarrely delicious meal. You're just going to have to try it to find out how it tastes!
Cabbage & Apples
1/2 Cabbage ((small head))1 White onion ((small))1 Granny Smith green apple2 tbsp Balsamic vinegarSalt and pepper ((to taste))1 tbsp Coconut oil
Slice apples and onions into equally thick slicesSauté on medium in coconut oil for 3-5 minutes or until slightly soft.While they are cooking, slice cabbage into thin ribbons.Add cabbage to apples and onions and ...
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Sweet Cabbage Salad
Salads are a great way to pack in a load of veggies but they can get a bit samey if you don't mix up the ingredients you use. This Sweet Cabbage Salad tastes amazing, and adds a bit of color to your diet. Simple and delicious!
Sweet Cabbage Salad
Salad1/2 Red cabbage ((Head shredded))16 oz Pineapple chunks ((in 100% juice))1/2 c Sunflower seedsDressing1/2 tsp Salt1 tsp Onion powder1 tsp Apple cider vinegar3 tsp EVOOLeftover juice ((from strained pineapple))
Open pineapple, and strain liquid into a medium-sized Mason jar.In a large bowl, mix the cabbage, pineapple chunks, and sunflower seeds. Blend well.Add salt, onion ...
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