A recent episode on The Morning Stir on Good Morning America thrust paleo back into the limelight. But this time it wasn’t about the paleo diet. It was about the paleo lifestyle.
What Is The Paleo Lifestyle?
While the paleo diet involves eating the way that cavemen ate, the paleo lifestyle means living the way that caveman lived. That means moving, sleeping, and exercising as our ancestors did before the invention of computers, shoes, and treadmills.
This episode of The Morning Star follows the couple behind eatingEVOLVED, a primal dark chocolate company whose chocolate is to die for. The couple live a paleo lifestyle, by working with standing desks, walking in shoes that mimic the movement of walking barefoot, waking up without the use of alarm clocks, and wearing blue blocker glasses to block out the blue light in screens and indoor lights.
The episode also included Mark Sisson, the founder of Mark’s Daily Apple, who mentioned that, if the paleo diet is a fad, it’s the oldest one around, since it’s been going for tens of thousands of years now.
What Was The Verdict?
Surprisingly, this particular broadcast showed both the paleo diet and the paleo lifestyle in a positive light. In the discussion that followed, David Zinczenko, the author of Eat This, Not That!, explained that the basic concepts behind the paleo diet and lifestyle – avoiding processed food, moving more, and eating more vegetables, for example – are healthy.
He explained that, as long as you’re careful to get enough calcium and fiber, you stick to the 85 or 80% rule, and you have the support of your friends and family or the paleo community, following the paleo diet and lifestyle is both safe and sustainable.
The response on Twitter was also fairly positive. Here are some of our favorite tweets about the episode:
#Paleo is only difficult to follow if you make it sound like a checklist of don’ts. It’s the do’s that keep us going strong. #SocialSquare
— Jimmy Moore (@livinlowcarbman) September 29, 2014
@GMA I love the Paleo Diet – I feel better, sleep better & get more out of exercise! #socialsquare #paleo — Patrick Clayton (@pjcnyc) September 29, 2014
.@GMA Eating paleo changed my life in EVERY way possible: health, career, happiness. Protein, veg, fruit & healthy fats = delicious. — Melissa Joulwan (@meljoulwan) September 29, 2014
Though the odd person clearly didn’t get it:
No dairy ??? I’m out ✌️ #SocialSquare #PaleoLifestyle — Carrie (@lisbon71) September 29, 2014