News at 11! Sharing your own health story can get you shut down.
Steve Cooksey at Diabetes Warrior has been sharing his own personal story of health and weight loss using the paleo diet. There’s just one problem. He didn’t pay lots of money to learn about paleo from a book or to get a license. He just tried something and found that it worked (first hand experience really is something, huh?). Well, that wasn’t good enough for the great state of North Carolina and their Board of Dietetics/Nutrition who sent him a letter this January, threatening to shut him down.
Apparently you need a medical license to share what’s worked for you (no more stories anymore!). Well, Steve’s not going down without a fight. He’s filing a lawsuit and challenging the government’s authority to stop regular people from giving out advice (and *gasp* letting people make up their own minds about their health.
We’re big fans of promoting what works. At a time when the majority of Americans are overweight and a huge number of us are obese, it’s clear that the current nutrition regimen isn’t working.
So why not change it? Consider the paleo diet.
It’s not just a matter of a free speech. It’s a matter of common sense. Keep fighting the good fight, Steve. We support you (we just hope we don’t get a takedown letter for saying so!).