This paleo chai tea is one of our favorite paleo beverages. Scroll down to see how to make it.
Give up your expensive coffee addiction with this simple and modifiable cold chai tea recipe! This recipe can be customized in a variety of ways to suit just about any palate. Add a dash of stevia or a splash of vanilla extract. Get fancy and top the beverage with some paleo or primal cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon. The options are endless!
If you're looking for more paleo tea recipes, try Paleoso's Pineapple Ginger Tea recipe. It's delicious too!
Simple Cold Chai Tea & Almond Milk Treat
1 Chai tea bag3 c Water2 c ...
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Pineapple Ginger Tea
Burrrrr! Currently it's a balmy twelve degrees outside, there's snow falling, and all I want to do is curl up with pup, and sip on something hot. Since I’ve already surpassed my morning coffee allowance, I'm opting for a caffeine-free tea and checking out what I have in my fruit bowl.
Though I used pineapple and lemon for my juices, you can easily substitute another citrus fruit - oranges or grapefruits perhaps. The pineapple juice gives the tea just enough sweetness for there to be no need for a sweetener. Since this is a caffeine-free drink, it is a great treat to have in the evening when you get cravings for things ...
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