One of the most fun parts of my job is getting to try the newest Paleo-friendly products coming on the market. I fully believe we are in the midst of a food revolution; people like you are demanding that “food-like” products loaded down with artificial ingredients and sugar no longer fit the bill. We want real food that nourishes and heals. And companies are stepping up to that challenge.
One such company is Peregrine Nutrition.
Based out of Denver, Colorado, husband and wife team Rudy and Katherine have developed their solution to a problem many of us have – how to eat well while on the go.
Enter the Peregrine Nutrition Dark Chocolate Chili Lime Bar. This bar is a high-fat, low-carb Paleo-friendly treat. Sure, the flavor might initially spark your interest, but the ingredients list is where this bar really shines.
Just check it out for yourself:
Ingredients (100% organic): Macadamia nuts, unsweetened raw cacao, pastured egg (from chickens raised on bugs and grass at a farm just south of our home in Denver, absolutely no grain or soy feed used), grass fed ghee, unsweetened coconut, grass fed beef collagen, chia seeds, pecans, lime juice, cayenne pepper, vanilla extract, Himalayan pink salt, fig, stevia leaf
It doesn’t get more real than that.
What’s more impressive, though, is what’s missing from the bar. Unlike many other “health” food bars, this one doesn’t contain any of the following: gluten, dairy, soy, grains, preservatives, processed whey or protein, sugar alcohols (erythritol, maltitol), IMO syrups (cassava root, “prebiotic fiber”, tapioca root, etc), GMOs, or industrially raised animal products.
There are only a handful of other bar products that don’t resort to using these products.
So, we’ve talked about the ingredients, but what about the taste? That matters too, I know!
Well, Peregrine isn’t trying to fool you – just check out the warning they send with the bars:
WARNING: This is not a sweet treat! If you don’t love dark chocolate, you’ll want to approach this one with caution. It gets its flavor from the bitter cacao, tangy lime and spicy cayenne—not from added sugars or artificial sweeteners of any kind.
The flavor is chocolate – but not the Hershey’s kind. I’m a lover of dark, dark chocolate, and even the first bite took me by surprise. It’s bitter, and if you’re expecting this to taste like any other bar you’ve tried before, it probably doesn’t.
Give It A Chance
If you take the first bite, and don’t immediately like it, I would encourage you to try at least two more bites. By my third bite, I was into it. I like the spice of the cayenne in comparison to the bitter bite of chocolate. Then the lime comes in and adds a tang. To be sure, the flavor profile of this bar is complex and unique.
Now, this bar is one of my favorite snacks. For a chocolate lover like me, I love the fudgy-ness of this bar. It feels like dessert! It also feels great to know that there is absolutely nothing in this bar but real, nourishing food.
[color-box color=”yellow”]If you’re looking for a new bar that will help you keep it healthy while you’re on the go, this one is for you. You can order a box at this link. Use the code UPG20 to get 20% off your order! [/color-box]
Happy snacking!