Paleo can be an effective approach for many lifestyle changes – whether it’s weight loss, blood sugar regulation, or helping alleviate chronic inflammation in the body.
We have shared a few of our readers’ stories on the site. We love hearing about your Paleo journeys – because no one’s is the same. And it is a great reminder about how consistency and determination can change your life.
So – if you’re looking for some inspiration to make a diet change, I have another reader’s story I want to share with you this week.
This one comes from James B, and he let us do a little Q & A with him. We hope you enjoy reading his perspective on how a Paleo approach changed his life.
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What was your life like before Paleo?
Before Paleo, I was in denial. About my health, about my life, and about my first marriage. I felt bad constantly. I ate horribly. And all the time. Taking control, and cutting my carbs and going to de facto paleo allowed me to control my life and break my bad food habits/addictions
How did you find Paleo?
I stumbled into Paleo/Primal through a low carb lifestyle. I was going ‘Paleo’ the whole time and never new it! I remember reading my first paleo/primal article about 5 years ago and I thought to myself, ‘I’ve been doing this for years!’
What specifically did you change (in terms of diet and lifestyle)?
I changed my diet mainly. And I added exercise back into my life.
What was your first step into the Paleo world?
I would say researching into low carb and the effects of grains on the body back in 2003 was my first step
What was the hardest part of your transition?
I never found it hard! Once I started researching into it, I saw it as crystal clear! ‘I can continue to eat this way, and poison myself every day, or I can get healthy.’
How did you stick with this lifestyle over time?
Again, I never felt it hard to stick to the lifestyle. I’ve never really missed food items. Sure, I have a donut every once in a while. But I know, it’s not good for you. That alone reminds me, hey, eat to live. Food is your fuel. Get the best you can.
When did you start seeing results?
I probably saw results in the first few weeks. I lost 20 lbs! Lost the first 80 lbs in a year.
What is your favorite thing about the Paleo lifestyle?
What I like the most is feeling and knowing I’m putting food in my body that is 1) good for me 2) that really is medicine for your body 3) knowing that being active is going to keep me around for my baby and my son and 4) that I’m living and eating in a way that my body was evolved to do.
What are some of your favorite Paleo recipes/meals?
Any almond butter cookie recipe! And the many, many chili recipes! Nothing is better than a big steaming bowl of paleo steak/pork chili. I also love cauliflower rice.
What advice do you have for someone who is thinking about starting the Paleo diet?
Research. Put the time in reading the science. Think about what you put in your body. Really dig deep into the various approaches, be it paleo, primal, low carb, or keto. One shouldn’t feel that they have to subscribe to one particular website or author. There are many great resources at your fingertips!