Mark’s Daily Apple is one of the premiere online fitness blogs that explains the paleo diet, making it easy for people to follow.
Mark’s Daily Apple has over 300,000 subscribers and has the following mission:
This website will show you how to take control of your health. You’ll learn exactly what to eat and how to exercise to get the leanest, strongest, healthiest body with the least amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice possible.
It doesn’t get much more straightforward than that.
Mark’s Daily Apple Core Concepts
Primal 101
Primal 101 is where you need to start if you’re going to dive into Mark’s Daily Apple. This massive resource page takes you through the basics of primal living and will not only give you a crash course in all things primal, but it will also help you to understand the entire site better.
Primal Blueprint
The Primal Blueprint is Mark’s best-selling book and the framework for his entire approach to eating. It’s a 30,000 foot overview of what his entire site is about. Chances are, if you like The Primal Blueprint, you’ll like the rest of Mark’s Daily Apple.
Primal Nutrition
Primal Nutrition is Mark’s nutritional supplement company. It complements his other work and all of his supplements are of a very high quality.
Overall Philosophy
Mark’s primal lifestyle differs slightly from the paleo diet that we advocate at Ultimate Paleo Guide. Mark allows much more dairy than strict paleo diets usually like, though he maintains that any dairy consumed should be in the form of fermented or less-processed dairy rather than items like skim milk, which are promoted by many people as “health foods.”
The Review
Mark’s Daily Apple is one of the best sites out there for information on paleo and primal living. Check it out.
The Author
Mark’s Daily Apple is written by Mark Sisson and his staff of writers.