When you think about skipping or missing a meal, going twenty-four hours without food, or actually allowing yourself to feel hungry, what goes through your head?
Does it feel like you'd be starving yourself or depriving yourself of food?
"No way could I do that. I’d die!"
"But aren’t we suppose to eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day?"
As kids, we’re trained to eat at every mealtime and to clean our plates. We learn as youngsters that skipping meals is never a good idea, and that we should really be eating several small meals throughout the day to keep our metabolism revved up, and to avoid putting our bodies into ...
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Intermittent Fasting 101: How To Get Results
Intermittent fasting (IF) has been around since the time when our Paleolithic ancestors walked the earth. They didn’t have grocery stores, refrigerators, restaurants, microwaves, or convenience stores. Nevertheless, they were able to overcome periods of famine.
How on earth did they do it?
Well, it certainly wasn’t by eating five to six small meals every day. Instead, our ancestors naturally used intermittent fasting. Of course, they didn’t know they were doing this. And, frankly, they didn’t have much of a choice. Food had to be rationed. They had to adapt. So, they likely ate about twice a day.
The point is that our ...
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The Ultimate Paleo Guide To Artificial Sweeteners
I've already discussed the role of sugar in the paleo diet in The Ultimate Paleo Guide To Sugar. If you have not checked that post yet, click that link and give it a quick read, as it will act as a nice primer for today's post on the artificial stuff. Don't worry, I'll wait.
After you've read it, I hope it's clear to you that not all sugar is created equal (no pun intended). The body responds to various sugars in very different ways. When it comes to artificial sweeteners, the body is not much different.
Today's articles is going to take a look at the role of artificial sweeteners in our diets:
What they are
How ...
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How To Start Cooking Paleo Today
When conducting a coaching session, one of the first questions I ask people is, "what are you struggling with most when it comes to developing healthy eating habits?" Here are the answers I hear most often:
I don’t know how to cook.
I don’t have time to prepare meals.
I don’t know what to make.
Well, I’ve got some good and some bad news for you, my friends. The bad news is that if you want to establish healthy eating habits and dominate the paleo game, you’re going to have to learn how to cook. The good news is you don’t have to be the next Bobby Flay, Gordon Ramsey, or Helena Rizzo.
The Ultimate Paleo Guide has got you covered. ...
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The Ultimate Paleo Guide To Grass-Fed Beef
What's the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed beef? As it turns out, there is quite a big difference. Not only for the animals themselves but for us and the environment. If you're new to the paleo diet, you may have heard or read about the emphasis on consuming grass-fed beef. Or maybe you've been paleo for a while and you have your grass-fed game on point, but you're not exactly sure why you're consuming it rather than grain-fed beef.
As a little prerequisite to this guide to grass-fed beef, I recommend taking some time out of your day to review some of the buzzwords used in the food industry, so that you understand what each ...
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The Ultimate Paleo Guide To CrossFit
CrossFit is like Starbucks right now. I feel like there’s one on every street corner. It’s crazy! I’m a former regionals competitor and CrossFit Coach at Huntington Beach. Within a one mile radius of my box (CrossFit Marina), there are probably five to ten gyms.
Many of you have probably tried CrossFit at a CrossFit box, at home, or maybe even on your own without actually knowing you were doing it. You may have seen CrossFit on ESPN or you may have competed in the CrossFit Open. If you happen to be a regionals or CrossFit Games competitor, then I solute you. That’s some tough stuff!
Today’s post is all about CrossFit. The good, the bad, ...
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The Ultimate Paleo Guide To Grass-Fed, Free-Range & Organic
We live in a world of double speak. Politicians say one thing and mean another. Companies use deceptive marketing techniques to hide the truth and emphasize the good points about their products.
You don't need all that confusion when it comes to the food you eat so, in this article, we're going to explain what's meant by the terms "grass-fed", "free-range", and "organic". We'll also explain what “natural” means, although we'll leave it up to you to decide for yourself whether or not you think "natural" is natural.
Let's dive in!
What Is "Natural" And What Isn’t?
Don’t be swayed when you read the word “natural” on ...
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Is Bread Paleo?
The Quick Answer
No. Bread is not paleo.
Why Isn't Bread Paleo?
If you’re familiar with the paleo diet, the answer to this question may seem obvious, but for many the reason that bread is not considered paleo is not crystal clear.
In this post we’ll dive a little deeper into the reasons as to why bread isn’t considered paleo, and the deal with grains and whole grains, including whether or not you should eat them, and, if you do eat them, how to make your diet a little healthier.
Personally I do follow the paleo approach to nutrition because it works for me. I spent time removing food from my diet and then reintroducing ...
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The Ultimate Paleo Guide To Sugar
You’re surrounded by different kinds of sugars and sweeteners and bombarded by commercials for foods containing them. Pick up a box of cereal and you’ll most likely find cane sugar, regular sugar, corn syrup, maltodextrin, fruit juice concentrates, and maybe, just maybe, even a little bit of real sweeteners.
Grab a beverage and you’ll likely see artificial sweeteners added to the list of ingredients. Most packaged, processed desserts will have three or more sweeteners in them. Can you live without sugar and stand up to the food industry’s in-your-face advertising?
You can, and your health depends on it. In order to do this, you ...
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The 12 Foods You Should Buy Organic And The 15 You Shouldn’t
One of the biggest complaints I hear from people who are trying to eat healthier is that organic foods is expensive. Well, they're right. Organic food is more expensive than regular food. For proof of that, see this University of Texas food science article.
There are a number of reasons for this:
Organic foods come with higher labor costs.
Organic farmland only accounts for about 1% of farmland worldwide.
Organic certification costs dolla dolla bill, ya’ll. It’s not easy or cheap to get the organic stamp of approval. Costs range from $400 to over $2,000 for this.
Organic farms are not usually able to ...
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