Notice that salads, while light and easy to eat a lot of, wind up causing stomach discomfort later on? Do eggs or meat-heavy meals leave you satisfied, but also very gassy? Like it or not, certain foods are more likely to make us retain excess water and gas than others.
Raw veggies, eggs, dairy, stone fruit, carbonated drinks and refined grains are some of the most common–but bloating is a very individual matter, so it varies from person to person depending on their tolerability.
Here are four Paleo foods that can help you shed excess water and resolve bloating:
- Probiotic-foods
Probiotics are “good bacteria” that live within the gut, helping to combat “bad bacteria” that can cause indigestion of all kinds, including tell-tail signs of IBS like gas and bloating. Probiotic foods include kombucha, cultured veggies like kimchi or sauerkraut, or even grass-fed yogurt and kefir (if you’re not sensitive to dairy and opposed to trying it). Probiotic foods have been proven effective in supporting healthy digestion because they lower inflammation, which starts in the gut.
These foods are helpful for crowding out bad bacteria, yeast and fungi within the digestive tract, creating enzymes that destroy harmful bacteria, and stimulating secretion of IgA and regulatory T Cells (which fight inflammation caused by food allergies or sensitivities that can lead to bloating).
- Water-rich Fruit
It might seem counter-intuitive, but when you eat more water-heavy fruit your body dispels more water–and water retention is the real cause of a bloated belly. Melon (cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew) are all effective for naturally flattening your tummy by keeping you hydrated.They’re rich with electrolytes which help the body to detox and rid itself of excess fluids due to imbalances in nutrients like sodium and potassium. This is helpful in relieving uncomfortable symptoms of bad digestion including gas, bloating and swelling.
Melon, along with berries, kiwi and citrus fruits too, provide vitamin C along with potassium, which acts as an electrolyte and promotes blow flow and hydration levels within the body, allows oxygen to reach your cells better, promotes gut health and helps stop indigestion like constipation or diarrhea.
- “Diuretic Veggies”
Leafy green vegetables – like kale, spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, watercress, romaine, and more – contain loads of nutrients that pull toxins and waste through your intestines, helping to prevent water retention. This also increases the ability of your liver to “detoxify” the body of chemicals, heavy metal build-up and more. Leafy greens also provide fiber–especially when you eat more than one cup at a time – which boosts digestion and prevents constipation. Their high percentage of water and electrolytes can prevent dehydration, and special compounds act as natural diuretics which reduce the body’s tendency to hold onto water following salty meals.
If you’ve got any digestive problems, water-heavy veggies of all kinds (not just leafy greens) are your friend! Celery, cucumber, artichoke, asparagus and fennel are some of the best for balancing sodium levels, pulling excess fluids (water weight) out of your body so you feel less bloated,and also restoring gut health with healthy bacteria, fiber and antioxidants.
- Herbs, Teas and Spices
When it comes to beverages, stick with the basics. Bloating and bad digestion can be brought on from drinking beverages that contain carbonation or fructose–either in the form of added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners – as well as from dairy products. Dairy milk contains the chemical called lactose which is actually not tolerated well by many people. In addition, drinks flavored with artificial sweeteners such as Splenda, Sweet N’ Low, or Equal can all cause gas, constipation, and diarrhea depending on tolerability.
Instead stick with plain water, coffee or teas (whether caffeinated or herbal). Herbal teas including ginger tea, dandelion tea, peppermint, vanilla, and fennel calm the digestive tract, reduce bloating, and fight nausea. Coffee, green tea, white tea, and black tea also provide many benefits, as long as caffeine doesn’t irritate your stomach. For extra flavor you can even try “infusing” your water by adding lemon slices, oranges, grapefruit, melon, or limes to your water. Also try digestive friendly herbs like peppermint, cilantro, and parsley added to vegetable/fruit juices for extra flavor without loads of sugar.
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