Are Peanuts Paleo?
Are peanuts paleo? Good question.
The Quick Answer
No, peanuts are not paleo.
Most people consider peanuts safe to eat and even a lot of paleo eaters consume peanuts as a healthy, low–calorie snack. But the truth is that peanuts (and other legumes) simply are not paleo.
Many people are allergic to peanuts, though having a peanut allergy doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have anaphylactic shocks. Some people develop only mild symptoms such as a rashes, indigestion, diarrhea, acidity, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Why Are Peanuts Not Paleo?
Beans and legumes such as peanuts, black beans, ...
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What The Hell Is A Legume?
You might be wondering what the hell a legume is. Let us explain.
This guide explains the definition of a legume, legumes and the paleo diet, provides a list of common type of legumes and covers the benefits.
A legume is a simple, dry fruit contained within a shed or a pod. The most well-known legumes are peas, beans, peanuts, and alfalfa (we have a full list below).
No, not THAT bean
Why Aren't Legumes Paleo?
PhytatesPhytates bind up minerals in food, thereby preventing your body from utilizing them. This means these foods are not digested. They can also cause inflammation, bloating, indigestion, and gas. Yuck.
LectinsLectins are ...
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