Mikhaila Peterson is the daughter of internationally-renowned Canadian author, Jordan Peterson. However, Mikhaila’s claim to fame goes beyond that—she’s famous in her own right for advocating an all-beef diet.
That’s right—Peterson follows a wholly carnivorous diet. If you’re wondering how this is possible, we’ll tell you all you need to know.
What Diet Does Mikhaila Peterson Follow?
Peterson wasn’t always a carnivore. She went through several different diets before deciding red-meat—a beef only diet—worked for her.
From an early age, Peterson suffered from health problems. At several points in her life, she attempted to change her diet to ameliorate her health.
On her blog, Mikhaila detailed her many medical issues. “I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when I was seven years old,” she wrote.
She also shared a long list of medication she had to take for her numerous conditions. This included the likes of antidepressants, immunosuppressants, birth control pills, and drugs for fatigue.
Despite all her efforts, her problems continued—joint deterioration resulted in an ankle and knee replacement at the young age of seventeen. What’s more, due to all the medication, Mikhaila found herself sleeping for “approximately 17 hours a day.”
However, thanks to the advice of a naturopath, Peterson stopped eating gluten. This sparked the idea to cut out other food groups completely—she took the opportunity and gave it a shot.
This diet is similar to the autoimmune protocol diet (AIP). It’s a restrictive diet tailored specifically for people with autoimmune diseases—helping to lower inflammation in the body.
Even foods thought of as healthy must be eliminated, due to their potential inflammatory properties. This includes nuts, eggs, and nightshade vegetables, like tomatoes.
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Peterson enjoyed a brief period of health before falling sick again while pregnant. After the birth of her daughter in August 2017, she made a radical change.
She now eats nothing but beef—for all her meals. The only other additions are salt for seasoning, and water.
On her official website, Peterson wrote: “I’ve been eating like this since December of 2017. I will never go back. I’ve never felt like this before and it’s amazing.”
The Benefits of Mikhaila Peterson’s Diet
There are currently no studies available on the effects of an all-beef diet. Therefore, the long-term outcome isn’t certain. However, the diet appears to have helped Mikhaila alleviate her numerous health problems.
Including red meat in your diet is considered healthy, providing it’s varied and well balanced—including all other food groups.
High protein diets are great for boosting muscle strength and weight loss. This is one reason why eating lots of protein is popular with professional athletes. Yet, there are nutrients meat alone doesn’t supply.
What about elimination diets such as the AIP diet? Studies have shown this practice can improve symptoms in autoimmune disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
What Does Mikhaila Peterson Have to Say?
Peterson stated to Toronto Life that she’s continued to monitor her health. “I’ve had my vitamins checked recently, and cholesterol, and everything’s normal.”
She takes a laid back approach toward promoting her unusual diet. “I started a diet blog and mostly, I say, “This is what happened to me. Try it out if you want.”
Mikhaila’s Sites
Diet Guides
Want to experiment with the carnivore diet? We’ve got a guide for that (and other guides too!)