It Starts With Food
Dallas and Melissa Hartwig nailed it with this healthy living manifesto and their rules for living a Whole9 life.The Paleo power couple outline how they can change your life in 30 days with a no-nonsense dairy-, legume-, sugar-, grain- and alcohol-free diet. No cheats. No slip ups. Think it sounds tough? They provide convincing evidence why staying strict for 30 days will not only revolutionize your diet, but will change your mind, your gut and your perspective on healthy eating for life. This tough loving book is a must for anyone who wants to go Paleo, get healthy, stay within very strict rules, and follow an incredibly supporting online community.
Quote From It Starts With Food:
It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard.
Practical Paleo
One of the most comprehensive books in the Paleo realm, Practical Paleo is a sure to help you find your stride when it comes to nailing your Paleo diet. Dianne Sanfillipo authored this Paleo tome,which is the perfect book for beginners and Paleo veterans alike. It gives in depth explanations for almost all of your questions about starting a paleo diet and provides detailed meal plans for various iterations of Paleo, like blood sugar regulation, autoimmune conditions, athletic performance and more.
Don’t-Miss Recipe From Practical Paleo
Lamb lettuce boats with avo-ziki sauce.
The Primal Blueprint
This book by Paleo legend Mark Sisson breaks down his ideal lifestyle, Mark’s 10 Primal Blueprint Laws and a road map for primal fitness. Mark dives into the four fuels: carbohydrate, protein, fat and ketones with an emphasis on fat burning ketosis. He provides a strong case for low carb living and how to live on ketones: the “fourth fuel”. But, even if ketosis isn’t for you, The Primal Blueprint is a don’t-miss book for any Paleo goer. Mark gives actionable workout plans to help you stay fit for life not to mention the part of the book where he talks about how red wine and dark chocolate fit into a Paleo diet!
Quote From Primal Blueprint: (probably one of the most underrated aspects of healthy living)
BluePrint Law #8: Get Adequate Sunlight Getting adequate sunlight implies you are spending time outdoors, appreciating open space and breathing fresh air.
In Defense Of Food by Michael Pollan
In Defense of Food is a must-read book. Period. And I don’t just mean for people interested in a Paleo diet, but for anyone interested in our current food culture and how the Western diet is changing the health of our society. Michael Pollan, New York Times best selling author, provides a deep and fascinating look into our food culture. His famous quote “Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants” came from this best seller. Pollan challenges the ‘Fat Hypothesis’ that was pervasive in our culture in the 1990’s and shares the stark correlation between the “low-fat” trend and increasing waistlines of Americans.
Factoid to Ponder From In Defense of Food
Corn, Soy, Wheat, and Rice account for two-thirds of the calories Americans eat. These four crops are also highly genetically modified and stripped down to a form that would be unrecognizable by our ancestors, let alone our bodies.
Well Fed by Melissa Joulwan
Paleo maven Melissa Joulwan shares her tried and true tips for keeping her Paleo diet on track (and mostly Whole30 compliant too). There is a reason the subtitle is “Paleo Recipes For People Who Love To Eat”. In her book, Melissa offers recipes that are simple to make yet incredibly delicious with fresh spice blends and a Mediterranean/Middle Eastern flare. She shares great ideas for weeknight meals that she calls “hot plates” and gives so many innovative variations to common paleo ingredients (Cumin Roasted Carrots? Jicima Homefries?), you will never get sick of your Paleo diet with Well Fed.
Don’t Miss Recipes from Well Fed
Melissa’s Meat and Spinach Muffins Chocolate Chili
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